Rabu, 21 November 2012

Fat People Happier

  Although obesity can lower a person's feeling confident, in fact a lot of people who seem more fertile weighted happy than thin people. The scientists managed to uncover the secret.

According to the research team from McMaster University in Canada, the fat people fat FTO gene are found gene alias happy. FTO is a major gene that contributes to obesity. However, this gene was also associated with a lower risk of depression.

At first the team from Canada was to examine the genetic and psychiatric status of the patients who entered the study EpiDREAM. In this study analyzed DNA samples from 17,200 participants in 21 countries.

The analysis showed that those who have the FTO gene tend to be more rare depression. Decreased risk of depression in people who have the gene about 8 percent.

"It's a difference of 8 percent will not have much effect on daily activities of patients, but we found the new molecule associated with depression," said Professor David Meyre.

Studies conducted Meyre is the first study that links between obesity gene FTO with protection against depression.

source: health.kompas.com

6 Beverages for Heart Health

Genetic factors can affect a person's risk for heart disease. But the good news, the disease is largely preventable. We may have heard the sage advice that said, to keep the heart healthy, it must begizi eating and regular exercise.

But it is not just a lifestyle change that can be done to reduce the risk of heart disease. What you drink can also make a difference. The following are some of the recommended types of beverages that can help maintain a healthy heart:

  1. Coffee
    Maybe it sounds strange at first glance. But did you know that coffee has higher antioxidant activity than cocoa or tea? Eating the right amount of coffee may inhibit inflammation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
    A study of long-term and large-scale, in which involved more than 83,000 women showed that drinking two cups of coffee a day can cut stroke risk 20 percent lower than those who drank little or no coffee at all.

    Suggestion: Drink between 2 to 4 cups of coffee per day including moderate category. But if you suffer from insomnia, anxiety and fatigue, just drink one glass only.
  2. Pomegranate juice
    In recent years the reputation of pomegranate juice soared and alluring nutrition researchers. Why not, the experts from the University of California found that the antioxidant capacity of pomegranate juice three times higher than red wine and green tea. Even early studies showed that regular consumption of pomegranate juice may lower cholesterol, reduce arterial plaque (a risk factor for heart disease), and increases blood flow to the heart.

    Tip: If possible, avoid additional sweetener when making pomegranate juice.
  3. Red wine
    Red wine contains many compounds that can protect heart health, including resveratrol. Resveratrol has antioxidant properties that can protect blood vessels in the heart and help prevent the formation of blood clots. Some evidence also showed that consumption of red wine in moderate amounts can increase HDL (good cholesterol).

    Tip: For women, it is recommended no more than 1.5 cups per day. As for the men, no more than 2 cups.
  4. Black tea
    Black tea is produced through the fermentation process after the leaves are harvested and dried. This processing change the chemical composition of leaves, resulting in several powerful antioxidants that help support heart health. Black tea has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke, reduce LDL (bad cholesterol), improving the function of blood vessels, and increasing blood flow in the coronary arteries.

    Tip: The longer you dip the tea, the greater the benefits derived phytochemicals. Therefore, serving tea with hot water would be much better while maintaining antioxidant content is maintained. Drinking several cups of black tea a day can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
  5. Green tea
    Such as black tea, green tea contains many antioxidants that are good for the heart. The main difference is that green tea is not fermented. A 2004 study suggests that drinking green tea in large quantities to prevent the risk of coronary artery disease. There are many studies linking green tea consumption with lower cholesterol, preventing blood clots and stroke.

    Advice: Drink 1-3 cups of green tea a day.
  6. Water
    Dehydration can contribute to multiple risk factors for coronary heart disease, including gore. When you are dehydrated, the blood becomes more viscous. This condition makes your heart to expend more energy to pump blood throughout the body. In fact, chronic dehydration can cause hypertension (high blood pressure).

    Tip: Many experts recommend at least a day a person should drink 8-10 glasses of water (for adults). But on the amount to be taken can not apply to every person and every condition. To be sure, do not let your body get dehydrated. You can also add juice or lemon juice into warm water to add flavor as well as decay and obtain the benefits of antioxidants.

    source: health.kompas.com/

health benefits of exercise

Health benefits of exercise for our bodies has long been proven. Exercise is important not only important for maintaining physical fitness but also mental health.

Now list the positive effects of sport will grow long again with the discovery of new evidence from Daniel M. Landers, professor of physical health and exercise science from the University of Arizona. Simply by moving your body for 10 minutes every day of our mental health will rise rapidly.

Besides the power of thought will grow clear and encouraging can reduce stress and tension alias makes sense to be cheerful always. According to Landers, there are five benefits of mental exercise that can nourish us.

  1. reduce stress
    Any normal human being have experienced stress or tension. Is the stress caused by economic problems such as inflation or devaluation, social issues or the rift between husband and wife, business office was never completed, a final exam that will be faced, one decision that has been taken or may be reluctance to make a decision.
    All human beings have ever experienced stress, and you should know how to handle it! Many oarang suffering, despair, and even sudden death due to stress!
    How you can avoid the stress? Apparently olaraga can help you to cope with stress. How? For that we need to see how the muscles work that we have. Exercising can help us reduce the anxiety your heart and can even resist anger.
    The reason is, if our heart works during exercise, then automatically concentrate the mind will not focus on your work again. Besides can be distracting, aerobic routine can also increase cardiovascular endurance, so that later we can not be too far in addressing the problem. Activities that have proven effective in the fight against brain strain is a kind of aerobic walking, cycling, swimming, jogging and yoga.
  2. Exercise can boost brain power
    It is no secret that physical activity routine can improve reaction, concentration, creativity and our mental health. This is because your body pumps more blood so that oxygen levels in the blood circulation also increases the intake ends accelerate blood to the brain. Experts agree that the brain gets enough blood supply the physical and mental reaction will increase.
  3. Endogenous opioids affect hormones
    In the miracle of the human body, scientists have recently discovered a hormone system that functions as an endogenous opioids morphine called. It is enough to attract attention because its receptors found in the hypothalamus and limbic system of the brain, areas associated with emotion and human behavior.
    Endogenous opioids hormone systems, one of which is beta-endorphin, not only reduces the feeling of pain and the strength to face cancer alone, but also adds memory, normalize appetite, sex, blood pressure and ventilation.
    When exercising, glands pitutiari add product beta-endorphin, and as a result the concentration of beta-endorphin levels rise in the blood flow to the brain as well, thus reducing pain, anxiety, depression and feelings of fatigue.
  4. Increases alpha brain waves
    Research shows that exercise, there is the addition of alpha waves in the brain. Alpha brain waves have long known that associated with relaxed and casual circumstances as at the time of meditation. Alpha waves is seen in a jogging for 20 to 30 minutes, and still be able to be measured after the exercise ended.
    The researchers suggested that the increase in alpha wave power to contribute to the psychological benefits of exercise, including reduced anxiety and depression.
  5. Suppliers brain nerve
    Sports activities will be memperlancarkan dealer neural (brain neurotransmitter) in the brain. The results in this case can be said that the exercise can raise levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin in the brain, thereby reducing depression. It has been proven that the brain such as norepinephrine nerves dealer (NE) and serotonin (5 - HT) is involved in depression and schizophrenia.
    A healthy body to live in peace. You will not feel it from the inside out harmony and peace. When you exercise your body will give you a good health, and peace of mind as well as the achievement of a higher intellect, why we did not immediately exercise from now.
  6. Exercise can fight aging
    Recent research proves that with only mild exercise such as walking alone can help the body recover from the decline in brain power in elderly women. The longer and frequent walking activity is done then the sharpness of the mind also is getting better.
    The best results will be obtained by moving your body every week for nine weeks. "Their activities need not be too high intensity, enough to get around, the important resources we can increase pacemakers," said Landers. "But the benefits of memory we will always be sharp."
  7. Exercise can increase feelings of happiness
    Many people are affected by depression or hurt taking sedatives as a way out. Now the road to happiness can be achieved naturally by moving your body regularly. Sport proven efficacious in improving grower happiness hormones in the brain, such as adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine and endorphins, which is the number one killer heart disease.
    A survey in the UK reported 83% of patients with depression depends on the sport activity to improve mood and reduce anxiety. Exercising on a regular basis for 16 weeks in people who had higher levels of depression are getting happy effect.
    Research at Duke University proved that 60% of people with depression who underwent exercise for 30 minutes three times a week for six months to fight the suffering without using medicine doctors. But for people with severe depression who certainly can not be separated from the drugs. It's just that many doctors now include sports activities in addition to their medication prescription sedative medicine.
  8. Exercise can improve self-confidence
    Now self-confidence can be achieved not only by relying on physical beauty anymore. A case study in the U.S. proves that teens who actively exercise have high levels of confidence equally strong with their friends who have a beautiful body and appearance.
    Stability itself is situated on the results they get, which is a healthy body image and excellent physical strength, not merely obsessed with vigorous exercise for the physical figure of the model on the cover of the magazine.

source: http://ws-or.blogspot.com