Minggu, 18 November 2012

Kidney Function In Humans

What is a kidney? Maybe my friends all have heard about the kidney, even already know what the kidney. Kidney is one of the human organ that functions to filter impurities from the blood and dispose of along with urine or urine. So the kidneys are part of excretory system or the exhaust system in our body.
Where was the location kidneys in our body? Kidney is located on the right and left of the spine, below the liver and spleen. At the top (superior) kidney is an adrenal gland. There are two kidneys sob, like a pea sized shape length 11 centimeters and a thickness of 5 cm (these carvings in the adult human kidney).

Kidney functions in humans

As we mentioned above, in addition to filter out impurities in the blood, the kidney has the following functions:

  1. Excrete substances that are harmful to the body, among other things:
    - urea, uric acid, ammonia, creatinine
    - inorganic salts
    - bacteria and also drugs
  2. Excrete the excess sugar in the blood sugar
  3. Helps water balance in the body, which maintain osmotic pressure ektraseluler
  4. Adjust the salt concentration in the blood and acid-base balance of the blood.
  5. The kidneys maintain the pH of blood plasma in the range of 7.4 through the exchange of hydronium and hydroxyl ions. Consequently, the resulting urine can be acidic or alkaline pH 5 to pH 8.
Well friends, his kidneys dangat important for our health, imagine if no kidney .. Despite that there are also people that his kidneys are not functioning. if still the one who serves is still safe, but if both kidneys do not work, well that's already dangerous. Usually the solution performed a kidney transplant, or kidney transplantation.

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