Selasa, 20 November 2012

Benefits of Tea

Benefits of Tea (All Types of Tea)

Tea is the second most widely consumed in the world after freshwater. Tea drunk by millions of people around the world. Some historical records indicate that tea has become the beverage of human companion for over five thousand years!

There are four main types of tea: white, green, oolong, and black. The most famous tea has health benefits is green tea. However, other types of tea also has a number of beneficial health properties.

Here are the health benefits of tea:

  1. Anti-cancer
    Research shows that green tea protects us from a variety of cancers, including lung, prostate and breast. Antioxidants in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), according to a team from the University of Kyushu, slows cell growth in human lung cancer significantly. People who drank at least one cup of green tea every day five times lower risk of developing lung cancer.
    Another study showed that green tea, in combination with tamoxifen, effectively suppress the growth of breast cancer.
  2. Increase metabolism
    Clinical trials by the University of Geneva and the University of Birmingham indicate that green tea raises metabolic rates, speeds fat oxidation, insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Catechin polyphenols in green tea thermogenesis (body heat), and hence increases energy expenditure.
  3. Anti-diabetic
    There is epidemiological evidence that drinking green tea and black tea may help prevent diabetes, however associative evidence is still needed further confirmation.
  4. Mental alertness
    The amino acid L-theanine, which is found in almost all types of tea, actively affects brain neurotransmitters and increases alpha wave activity. The result is your mind becomes calmer, yet more alert.
  5. Immune System
    Theanine in tea may help the body's immune system response when fighting infection. A study of blood samples on 11 coffee drinkers and 10 tea drinkers, who consumed 600ml of coffee or black tea daily for four weeks, showed anti-bacterial protein production five times higher in tea drinkers.
  6. Inhibit the reduction of mind
    A 2006 study showed that elderly Japanese who drank more than 2 cups of green tea a day had a 50 percent lower risk of damage to the intellect, as compared with those who drank less than two cups a day. This may be due to the effect of EGCG, which cleanse the blood flow to the brain.
  7. Reduce stress
    According to research by University College London, drinking black tea can lower stress hormone (cortisol) after a stressful event. Subjects who had been drinking 4 cups of black tea daily for 6 weeks cortisol decreased 20% greater than the placebo group.
  8. Recovering colitis
    Green tea has been shown to reduce intestinal inflammation. This effect seems to be related to the ability of polyphenols in green tea inhibit the inflammatory reaction.
  9. Overcoming bad breath
    The researchers Universas Illinois at Chicago stated that polyphenols help inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath.
  10. Overcoming iron overload
    Researchers in Germany found that drinking a cup of black tea a day can help stop excess iron in patients hemakromatosis (excess iron in the blood) due to impaired iron absorption.
  11. Effects associated with caffeine
    A cup of green tea contains between 15 and 50 mg of caffeine. By drinking green tea you will get all the health benefits of caffeine.
  12. Anti-stroke
    The study, presented at the International Stroke Conference in February 2009 found that drinking three or more cups of tea per day may reduce the risk of stroke by 21%.
  13. Heart Health
    The University of L'Aquila in 2009 showed that drinking just one cup of regular tea per day may help protect against cardiovascular disease. Tea contains flavonoids quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin which increases the reactivity of the blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, which have an impact on heart health.
    In one study, people who drank half a cup of tea per day 40% less likely to experience a heart attack than non-drinkers.
  14. Arthritis Rheumatism
    Green tea reduces the severity of rheumatoid arthritis by 78% in heavy drinkers and 40% occasional drinkers.
  15. Dental Health
    Dental plaque contains more than 300 species of bacteria that attach to the surface of the teeth and cause cavities. Plaque is also a major cause of gum disease. Polyphenols in black tea can kill or suppress the growth of bacteria that cause plaque
source: Health magazine

Napping for Health

Importance of Napping for Health

Napping is good for health
THE experts recommend that adults should sleep seven to eight hours at night. But often it's bed time can not be met because of our busyness. Not quite an impact on your health.

If you do not get enough sleep the night, try to sleep during the day. Curilah time in your busy schedules. Sleep during the day spur your energy, promote heart health, enhance your mood, and more.

But there is a right way and wrong if you want to get extra sleep time. Here is information about the nap, as reported by the Woman's Day.

Naps can help you focus

During the day when you are sleepy, take a nap is a great way to feel refreshed and help you think better. A study in 2010 at the University of California-Berkley found that a group of young adults are better at work after a 90-minute nap at 2 pm.

"When you are sleepy, you will not remember anything. You can not concentrate and difficulty remembering or doing things. If you nap, you will be able to remember, think and work better," says Donna Arand, PhD, an experimental psychologist at Kettering Sleep Disorders Center in Dayton, Ohio. You do not need to lie down for 90 minutes, as the study participants. To get the benefits of napping, most doctors recommend only nap for 20 to 30 minutes.

  • Naps can help reduce the risk of heart diseaseSleep, in addition to affecting the mental clarity and brain function, it can also affect your heart health. "There are studies that show people who sleep six hours a night are at greater risk of heart disease than those who slept seven to eight hours every night," said Sarah Conklin, PhD, professor of psychology and neuroscience at Allegheny College.
    "Sleeping during the day may have some kind of restorative effects menghilankan negative effects of a short night sleep." In other words, for people who lack sleep, 45-60 minute nap has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease. "The benefits of daytime sleep may depend on what you want to change. But if there is the opportunity to sleep in 45 minutes to an hour a day, may have a measurable benefit in reducing the risk of heart disease associated with not sleeping (at night) long."

  • There is an ideal time to sleep during the dayIf you've been to Spain, you know that after lunch, all people tend to sleep during the day at 2-4. "Postprandial dip" is when your body naturally decrease mental and physical energy. "It was then that many cultures have a siesta activities. Napping is normal innate circadian rhythms," said Dr.. Arand.
    Sleeping at this hour does not disturb your sleep at night. However, do occasionally nap at 5 pm or 6 pm. Because it can affect your night time sleep, even you can not sleep until the next day.

  • Use alarmYou may be used to set your alarm clock at night, but you can also set the alarm to sleep during the day. Set the alarm will help limit sleep time, and reduce anxiety if you are worried about excessive nap

  • If you get enough sleep but still feel tired, call the doctorNapping is a great option for people who can not sleep seven to eight hours at night. But for those who are well rested night and still feel the need to take a nap every day, it could indicate a bigger problem. "Take a nap once in a while is a good idea, but if you need a nap even if you get enough sleep at night, it may be time for you to be examined," said Karl Doghramji, MD, medical director of the Jefferson Sleep Disorders Center at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.
    According to Dr. Doghramji, types of sleep patterns can indicate poor sleep quality, which may be associated with sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy. If you sleep seven hours or more each night and still feel tired during the day, see a doctor to rule out sleep disorders or other health conditions.

  • Make nap zoneJust like in the evening, the atmosphere is very important to be able to sleep during the day. According to Dr. Doghramji, your bedroom should be dark and quiet as possible. "Take a nap in the bed, if you can. But if not, comfortable lounge chair is better than putting your head on the table," he said. Also, room temperature should be comfortable. All of these elements contribute to membaut you sleep better and better.

Healthy Bedroom


Your bedroom should be quiet and comfortable. The sounds and light that unwelcome, uncomfortable mattress and divan that that's been too long used / room that is too hot / cold can make you do not get the sleep it needs. You should enjoy a perfect sleep.
my room was my heaven
Is your bedroom alcove that was perfectly good? Here are four factors that can make a difference:

  • Mattress & DivanMake sure the mattress with divan can sustain your body nicely, so you feel comfortable. If you have a sleeping partner, your mattress should have enough space for that.
  • LightThe light is a sign of changing times that your body is well known. Sunrise to wake the brain, long before the alarm goes off. The rooms that are perfect dark alcove, both day and night.
  • Voice DisordersVoices that loud and shocking, both inside / outside, disrupting the course of sleep. The voices that sound like a low and stable fan / air conditioning, soothing as it reduces other sounds that disturb.
  • Room TemperatureFor that ideal room temperature is 60-65 degrees bedroom Fahrenheit (16-18 degrees Celsius). A room that is too hot / cold disturb sleeping comfort.



Many things that we have to do, so take a break and recover your condition with a good night's sleep. The quality and quantity of your sleep can improve productivity will either work or study in the next day.

Here are 10 tips that will help you get the sleep you need and you deserve.

  1. Give yourself a chance to sleep with enough
    Making the bed as one of the "priority" you is not that easy. However, you will be thankful the next day.
  2. Unwind early in the evening
    For Try to calm down a few hours before you go to bed. As much as possible under the bed at 10 pm.
  3. Start bedtime ritual
    Doing the same thing every night before bed you will respond to rest at night.
  4. Keeping routines
    Try to sleep at the same time every night, as well as when you wake up in the morning, even when you take a holiday center.
  5. Create a cozy space to rest
    Sleep in a cool room, a dark and there was no noise that can disrupt your sleep.
  6. Go to sleep on the mattress comfortable and sturdy
    It it hard to sleep on a mattress that is too small, soft, hard / old.
  7. That regular exercise
    Will help you escape from everyday stress & tension hari.Tapi jagan exercise before bed because it will make it harder to sleep.
  8. Reduce consumption of substances stimulating the body
    Eating foods that contain substances such as caffeine stimulants at night will make you sleep more difficult.
  9. Do not smoke
    Smokers tend to be more difficult to sleep and wake up easily at night.
  10. Reduce alcohol
    Drinking alcohol before bed will disturb your sleep quality and cut your sleep time.