Kamis, 15 November 2012

Healthy Eating

Mengatur Pola Makan Sehat

  1. Kurangi makanan berlemak tinggi, seperti mentega, margarine, dan santan. Lebih baik dapatkan asupan lemak alami dari kacang-kacangan atau biji-bijian. Lupakan jeroan, otak, makanan berkuah santan kental, kulit ayam dan kuning telur. Pilihlah daging tanpa lemak, makanan berkuah bening, susu rendah lemak, susu kedelai, yogurt, putih telur, dan ikan sebagai sumber protein yang baik
  2. Sedapat mungkin hindari bahan pangan atau bahan pengawet yang dalam jangka panjang dapat menjadi pemicu kanker.
  3. Pilih makanan atau minuman yang berwarna putih alami (bukan di-bleach). Gunakan pewarna dari bahan makanan misalnya warnet coklatnya dari bubuk coklat, merahnya strowbery, kuningnya kunyit, dan hijaunya daun suji. Jangan menambahkan saus, kecap, garam dan bumbu-bumbu penyedap secara berlebihan. Perbanyak makan buah dan sayuran.
  4. Teknik pengolahan makanan juga mempengaruhi mutu makanan. Pilih makanan dengan metode memasak dikukus, direbus, atau ditumis dengan sedikit minyak.
  5. Perbanyak minum air putih, mineral 8 gelas sehari, hindari minuman beralkohol, bersoda dan minuman dengan kandungan gula dan kafein tinggi. Jus sayuran dan buah baik untuk menjaga dan memelihara kesehatan tubuh.

Sumber : http://www.cancerhelps.com/pola-hidup-sehat.htm

Healthy Semen

Maintain Healthy Semen

  • Stop smoking
    If you are a current smoker, quit. In addition to causing bad breath, smoking also can affect sperm count. Research addressing smokers have lower sperm counts than men who do not smoke.
  • Avoid wearing tight pants and hot
    The testes need to have cooler temperatures than the rest of the body because it is wearing underwear or tight pants will cause the temperature around the heat. As much as possible try not to wear panties while sleeping to keep the temperature cool.
  • Begin proper food diet
    Believed it or not, your diet will affect the production of sperm. Try to eat foods low in fat, high protein, vegetables and whole grains are good for health.
  • Reduce intercourse and masturbation
    Many men complain about their little semen and diluted. The more ejaculate, the less kekentalalan semen. If you have sex every day or worse still masturbating will affect the number of sperm and semen viscosity itself.
  • Reduce alcohol
    Alcohol can affect liver function which in turn leads to increased levels of estrogen. High amount of estrogen in the body will affect the production of sperm. Should refrain from drinking alcohol from now if you do not want to lose the amount of sperm production.
  • Try natural supplements
    Manufacturer of artificial drugs may hinder sperm production, while natural supplements are believed to increase sperm production, such as L-carnitine is found in red meat. In addition, milk is a natural amino acid that can improve sperm production. Folic acid or folate when combined with zinc can improve sperm production, L-arginine is found in nuts, eggs, meat, and sesame seeds also have similar efficacy, including vitamin E and selenium can improve the speed and concentration of sperm.

    Try to consume Bee pollen. Supplements derived from pollen contains all the components of the nutrients humans need to live a healthy life. The nutritional components ranging from essesial amino acids, beta carotene, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, D, E, sugar, kabohidrat, fatty acids, protein, minerals (such as: potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium, and phosphorus). Has efficacy as a builder (regeneration) cells that good to be able to improve the quality and quantity of sperm.
  • Herbal Consumption
    In addition, the consumption of herbs believed to help promote sperm by increasing vitality and stamina. Generally this type of herb that comes from the rhizome as Purwoceng. Purwoceng has long been known in particular the highlands of Central Java as enhancing male vitality. From several studies suggest that Purwoceng have pharmacological effects such as increased libido (desire), increase testosterone and increase the number of spermatozoid.
    Get herbal products Purwoceng and Bee Pollen capsule is made from 100% natural herbs with modern processes, but still has genuine character, aroma and similar efficacy to the plant.

4 Benefits of Drinking Water The Unforeseen

There are still many people who ignore the benefits of drinking water. In fact, there is no measurable benefit. From prevents you feel thirsty, promote metabolism, making you feel full longer (thus preventing you from eating too much), making the skin smoother because of the availability of fluids in the body, to prevent loss of concentration.

Beyond that, there are many benefits of drinking water that was not known to us. To be sure, the benefits will be directly felt in your daily life. Once informed, you certainly will not delay water consumed each time.

1. Protect the heart. People who used to drink water more than five cups a day, likely to die from heart attacks dropped 41 percent compared to those who drank less than two glasses of water a day, according to a six-year study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. In addition, the habit of drinking water in the amount of at least five glasses a day will also reduce the risk of cancer. The body is not hydrated may reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent, bladder cancer by 50 percent, and may also reduce the risk of breast cancer.

2. Prevent headaches. Who can stand when migraines start attacking? But before you take pain medication, try to cope with drinking water. According to researchers from the University of Masstricht, Netherlands, drank seven glasses of water a day can relieve headaches, and improve the quality of life of those who have been suffering from migraines. In trials, those who drank 1.5 liters of water is reduced headache 21 hours, as well as the intensity of the pain.

3. Improve perspicacity. According to the study, the rate of dehydration of one percent of the weight you've been able to reduce the functions of thinking. The brain does require a lot of oxygen in order to function at optimum levels. By drinking lots of water, you can be sure that the brain needs have been met. Instead, drink 8-10 cups of water a day can improve cognitive performance levels as much as 30 percent.

4. Keeps you alert. Dehydration is a major cause of fatigue that occurs throughout the day. If the fatigue you feel more like a strong urge to take a nap, try drinking a glass of water. Drinking enough water will make your work better, at least it can prevent you find it difficult to concentrate. All you need to know, the level of two percent dehydration can lead to short-term memory problems. You will also have trouble focusing on what you're reading on a computer screen.



Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit

There are so many benefits and efficacy of the mangosteen fruit that we can get by consuming mangosteen.
benefits of the mangosteen fruit is ..!

  • Mangosteen can cure and prevent cancer. Extracts of mangosteen can prevent the growth of some cancer cells in our bodies, such as lung cancer - lung, liver cancer, colon cancer, etc..
  • Prevent the growth of cells - the cells in leukemia.
  • Can prevent some deadly diseases such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis, heart disease and several other deadly diseases.
  • reduce pain.
  • Lessen high blood pressure.
  • Fight free radicals.
  • Launching pencernaai in our bodies as rich in natural fibers.
  • Being able to lower cholesterol levels.
  • Overcoming kidney stones.
  • increase energy.


Music therapy is a therapy to improve physical and mental quality by using sound stimuli consisting of melody, timbre, rhythm, harmony, form and style are made ​​in such a way that it created music that has benefits for physical and mental health of someone who is listening.

there are 2 music therapy, music therapy, namely active and passive music therapy
the benefits of music therapy ..!

  • Relaxation, Resting Body and Mind
  • Reduce Pain
  • Improve Intelligence
  • sanity
  • Considering Upgrading
  • Personal Development
  • Immune Boost
  • Improve morale SportsImproving Motivation
  • balancing the Body