Everyone knows that diet and exercise are performed simultaneously helps in losing weight. But we often deliberately to starve themselves in order to reduce a few inches waistline. Instead of helping you lose weight, starvation encourages fat it slows our metabolism. Instead of beating the urge to eat, only the consumption of some foods that can fight lemak.Berikut are some foods that may improve the ability to fight fat in our body.
- Almon.
According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, dieters who ate 85 grams of almonds every day reduced their weight and body mass index (BMI) of 18% compared with not eating almonds only 11% reduction. Nuts contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is high, which can speed up the metabolism of fat. Almonds have high fiber content, protein, and good fats. Eat a mere handful (no more than 12 grains) every day. - Fruits such as oranges, strawberries, etc..
According to a study conducted by Arizona State University, people who eat a vitamin C found in fresh fruits like oranges, strawberries, raspberries, etc., can oxidize 30% more fat than those who did not take vitamin C. Vitamin C is used in the body to make carnitine, a substance that helps our cells burn fat for energy. When vitamin C is reduced, carnitine can not do its job. - Eggs.
Eggs contain a variety of nutrients including protein, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, D, E, and B12, but it only contains 85 calories. Eat eggs at breakfast to make us feel full longer. So, we'll just eat less at the next meal. - Fish.
Fish not only makes our heart healthy, but also shrink the waist. Omega-3 fatty acids improve insulin sensitivity which helps build muscle and lose belly fat. - Soybean.
Soybeans contain lecithin, which helps the cells that do not accumulate fat. Lecithin also break down the fat in our body. Soy lecithin lowers cholesterol and triglycerides and increasing HDL "the good cholesterol". - Tomato.
Tomatoes contain oligofruktosa, fibers that help keep the effects of cholecystokinin (CCK) in the stomach. CCK is a hormone secreted in response to the presence of small intestinal fat and help increase feelings of fullness by tightening the valve between the stomach and the intestines. This leaves us diminished tendency to overeat. Tomatoes also contain vitamin C, which helps in the production of carnitine. Carnitine helps to accelerate the burning of body fat by one-third capacity. - Pomegranate (pomegranate).
Pomegranate seeds are loaded with folic acid and antioxidants that fight disease. The fruit is low in calories but high in fiber, thus satisfying a sweet taste in the mouth without damaging our diet. - Cinnamon.
According to researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), consume a quarter to one teaspoon of cinnamon a day in the diet can help the metabolism of sugar up to twenty times better than the food was not given cinnamon. This led to a lack of sugar in the bloodstream, which means less stored fat. We can make a cinnamon tea or add the orange juice, oatmeal, salads, etc.. Active components are not destroyed by heat. - Lentils.
Lentil useful flatten belly fat. Lentils contain protein and soluble fiber, two components that stabilize blood sugar. - Yoghurt.
Eat low fat yogurt high in calcium, which can increase the body's fat-burning mechanisms, accelerate weight loss, and flatten the stomach. A study conducted at the University of Tennessee found that obese adults who ate three servings of fat-free yogurt a day as part of a low calorie diet, lost 22% more weight, 61% more body fat, and abdominal fat 81%, higher than the who follow a low calorie diet without yogurt consumption. According to the researchers, to meet daily calcium needs helps us burn fat more efficiently. Enough calcium triggers the release of calcitriol, a hormone that causes us to store fat.
Source: intisari-Online.com
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